Enhanced Curriculum
At St Monica’s we believe in offering every pupil the best possible opportunities to develop skills and knowledge beyond the classroom curriculum. We aim to enrich our curriculum by offering:
Extra-Curricular Activities
Enrichment days/drop-down days/external talks:
- Humantopia
- Knife Crime Prevention
- Comino Photography /Politics/ITV/ writing projects
- Careers and apprenticeship weeks talk
- Alumni Partnership (with past pupils talk on Finance and writing)
- Parents talks (on how to run a Business and Law)
- Street Safe (which includes pupil safety on line)
- Anti-bullying weeks
- Cultural days
Student leadership
- Duke of Edinburgh Bonze Award
- Prefects and Gold ties (culture, well-being and spirituality champions)
- School council
- Peer mentors
- Peer defenders
- LGBTQ+ club
- Pupils termly assembly
- Chaplaincy/caritas ambassadors
- Open evening/transition/school concerts and plays
Subjects extra-curricular activities
- Creativity: Arts & craft (photography, textiles, aspiring artists, Drama, Music (orchestra/choir) /Cooking)
- Global citizen: learn a new language, trips abroad
- Health and well-being: PE, Dance, Trampoline, Football, Netball, Rugby, Hockey, Cross Country
- STEM Lego and science clubs
- Creative writing/Debate/Book club
- Gardening club
- History – Horrible stories
- Maths challenge/Chess club
- Computer science: coding club
Cultural capital
- Visits: Museums, Theatres, Art Gallery, Restaurants, Colleges, Universities
- Geography Field trips for Y10 and 11, Year 8 Salford quays regeneration
- Comino projects
- Digital Politics
- ICT University booster sessions
Wellbeing and Mental Heath
- Bee Well survey
- On site School counsellor
- Mindfulness
- Yoga
- Student Services
- Well-being sanctuary and room 21
- Nazareth house
- Christmas hampers
- Ukraine appeal