The Local Governing Body

The Local Governing Body of  St Monica’s Roman Catholic High School, a Voluntary Academy, has responsibilities including day to day operational matters such as Catholic life of the school, health and safety, staffing appointments and developing the unique identity, local community and traditions of our school.

Please open the different sections below to learn more about our Local Governing Body.

To Contact our Governors, please write to the Chair of the Governing Body at the school address below or email

St Monica’s RC High School
Bury Old Road
M25 1JH

Types of Governor

  • Foundation Governor – Representatives of the Church, appointed by the Bishop of Salford.
  • Staff Governor – Representative of the Staff, elected by all Staff.
  • Parent Governor – Elected by the parents of the School.

Each Governor has responsibility for a particular priority within the School Improvement plan as well as core areas of school life e.g. Safeguarding. Meetings are arranged for members of staff to meet with their ‘link Governor’ at least once a year. Subject leaders are asked to write an annual report containing updates in their subject for the ‘link Governor’. Subject leaders are invited to attend a meeting to present developments relevant to their area of curriculum responsibility once per year.

Click here to see more information about the role of the LGB

Click here to see the structure of the Trust

Click here for information regarding annual reports and financial statements; articles and memorandum of association; funding agreements and the scheme of delegation.

Here is some information about how to become a Governor. Salford Diocese Recruitment Website

No Governor has a financial or business interest at St Monica’s RC High School.

Click Here to view Trustee Register of Interests and Meeting Attendance