Welcome to the RE Department

Our department is made up of a team of RE specialists who are driven to ensure that all pupils leave St Monica’s with a deep understanding of their own faith, other faiths and what it means to be a Catholic of character in the modern world. Through our relationships with our pupils, we demonstrate the Gospel values, encouraging them to act with kindness, respect and justice. We work hard to ensure our pupils achieve well and enjoy learning in Religious Education. We encourage all pupils to develop their responsibility to look after others through a range of charity activities we promote across the school.

Curriculum Intent

The intent of RE is to develop knowledge and understanding of religious beliefs and practices. To make connections to other subjects and our wider school curriculum. To reflect on my own belief and their relevance in living my life today and to be challenged to respond to the big questions.

Curriculum Documents

Our curriculum map below outlines the programme of study in RE for all pupils from Year 7 to Year 11. We build on knowledge from Key Stage 2 and prepare our students for life beyond St Monica’s.

Click here to view our Religious Education curriculum overview.

Learning Journeys

Our learning journeys outline, in a visual format, the key knowledge that is shared with pupils in each year group. They provide a reference point for teaching and sharing knowledge in lessons.

Click here to view our Religious Education learning journeys.

Knowledge Organisers

We use Knowledge Organisers widely across the department.

Click here to view our year 7 Autumn 1 Creation and Covenant knowledge organisers.
Click here to view our year 7 Autumn 2 Prophecy and Promise knowledge organisers

Click here to view our year 8 knowledge organisers

Click here to view our year 9 knowledge organisers

RE Staff

Head of RE: E Crutchley                          ecrutchley@stmonicas.stoccat.org.uk

Second in RE: K Noone                            knoone@stmonicas.stoccat.org.uk

Teacher of RE: C Dorsette                        cdorsette@stmonicas.stoccat.org.uk

Teacher of RE: E Sunderland                   esunderland@stmonicas.stoccat.org.uk

Teacher of RE: A Hylton                          ahylton@stmonicas.stoccat.org.uk

How RE Links to our PSHE programme

The teaching of Religious Education is underpinned by our promotion of the Gospel Values. This is aligned with our teaching of Respect, Resilience and Responsibility. We challenge our pupils to consider the full range of perspectives when dealing with challenging concepts and topics. We promote equality, tolerance and empathy for others in all we explore in the curriculum.

Key Stage 4 Outline and Rationale

Pupils in Year 10 and Year 11 follow the Edexcel RE specification. Within our team, we have an experienced Senior Examiner for Edexcel specification. We have a broad range of experience in delivering this programme and securing strong outcomes.

Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies A (2016) | Pearson qualifications

Useful websites

The following website below support our teaching of Religious Education. The Catholic Education website provides useful reference points. We use the CAFOD resources through all-year groups for various topics, especially Catholic Social teaching.




To find out more about the RE curriculum, please email ecrutchley@stmonicas.stoccat.org.uk